Eskild Beck
Uddannet på Skolen for Brugskunst, København og Guggenheim School
of Fine Arts, New York. Herudover uddannet som papirkonservator på
Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi.
Repræsenteret på museer og i offentlige samlinger i Danmark, Tyskland,
Syd Korea, Japan og Egypten
Udvalgte udstillinger:
acts of resistance, bury st edmunds, uk -19
fugl, johannes larsen museet, dk, -19
nexus, sonderborg, dk, -19
lancini, berlin, -19
sf worldcon, dublin, -19
token and bad pennies, london, -19
a breath of art, werkkunst gallery, hamburg, -18
l`atelier, sonderborg, -18
aktionaleIII, vbk, berlin, -18
small worlds, aabenraa, -18
tribe17, london, -17
biennale austria, wien, -17
far-out, nexus kunstcenter, aabenraa, -17
sf worldcon75, helsinki, -17
lacey contemporary gallery, london, -16
art fair, brussels, -16
art of caring, london, -16
archaeology and me, national museum, rome, -16
us, them, you, vermont, usa, -16
imagining new eurasia, acc, south korea, -16
sf worldcon, spocane, washington, usa, -15
factory gallery, berlin, -15
future and behind, venice, -15
sf loncon 3, london, -14
borrow or rob, zagreb, -14
ostrale, dresden, -14
jawspring, wimbledon, -14
vanity unfair, pisa, -13
passion for freedom, unit24 gallery, london, -12
bee, la porte peinte centre, noyers sur serein, -12
out of the stable, olympic, london, -12
skyward, 1650gallery, los angeles, cal., -12
passion for freedom, unit24 gallery, londo, -11
light bite, nottingham/brighton, -11
natur-mensch, sct. andreasberg nationalpark, -11
cubeopen, cubecentre, manchester, -10
freezchester, manchester, -10
young curators choice, oriel davies gallery, wales, -10
art international, zurich, -09
hackwood artfestival, uk, -09
forårsudstillingen, charlottenborg, copenhagen, -07 - 09
gera hoeler, gera, -05 - 09
kulturstiftung sparkasse karlsruhe, -06 - 07 -08
nexus kunstcenter, aabenraa, -08
mapping, bury artgallery and museum, uk, -08
k.e., den frie, copenhagen, -86 - 88 - 07
unnaturel selection, schrewsbury, uk, -06
gallerie hendrickx, berlin, -05